beAWARE in “Days of Hydrology” in Rome

beAWARE in “Days of Hydrology” in Rome

  On the 20th of June, in Rome, it took place the conference ‘Days of Hydrology’, organized by the Italian Society of Hydrology. This conference is considered as one of the most important in Italy regarding the Hydrology and it involves the main experts in this branch, from researchers to public authorities and private professionals. During the conference, one of the section was about new techniques to manage and reduce the risk from natural extreme events (in particular floods). Our distinctive partner AAWA had submitted an abstract for this session about beAWARE and the innovations carried by our project. The authors of this abstract were Michele Ferri, Daniele Norbiato, Giovanni Tomei, Francesca Lombardo, Francesco Zaffanella under the title ‘beAWARE: approccio innovativo per il supporto decisionale e la gestione integrata di…
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Second Newsletter is online!

Second Newsletter is online!

The second issue of our newsletter is finally published online! Check the latest technical development of the beAWARE project; get informed about the latest news on climate change and other updates regarding the project, including participation in conferences and upcoming events that our consortium partners are organizing! To download the 2nd newsletter please click here Stay tuned for the third issue that is about to be published next month!
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Finland hot days

Finland hot days

  According to our distinguished partner, the Finish Meteorological Institute, in Finland "hot days" are defined when the temperature goes above 25C. Normally, there are only a few hot days per year.  This year, however, there have already been more than average and we're only in May! The record May temperature for Finland is 31C. This year's maximum so far is 29.6C. The main heatwave of hot days lasted 7 days, although all of May has been warm, sunny and dry - to the point that there is already a fire risk across most of Finland.
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beAWARE-iReact joint workshop in ISCRAM

beAWARE-iReact joint workshop in ISCRAM

Very interesting discussions (and full room!) in our 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Crisis Management Technologies for climate events – ICMT in in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR CRISIS RESPONSE AND MANAGEMENT “Visualizing Crisis” 
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Heatwave in Finland sends May temperatures over 30C

Heatwave in Finland sends May temperatures over 30C

  Finland is experiencing an unusual rise of temperature higher than the normal level for this time of the year. Our partner, the Finish Meteorological Institute (FMI) has issued a warning for forest fire due to the dry terrain and temperatures that in some part of the country will exceed the 30C, a temperature far above normal compared to statistics between 1961 and 1990. beAWARE system, except being present in this heatwave for its 4th Plenary meeting, will provide all the necessary tools for early warning and more efficient measures to tackle with this phenomena. Source: FMI
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Almost all European countries have their climate change vulnerability and risk assessment plans ready, according to EES report.

Almost all European countries have their climate change vulnerability and risk assessment plans ready, according to EES report.

Almost all European countries have performed climate change vulnerability and risk assessment plans in order to be ready to confront the consequences coming from climate change, according to a report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). Performing the study upon 33 EEA member countries (including the 28 European Union Member States), the report examined the evaluation the risks from climate change, and how the European national policies have used this information in developing adaptation policies to address these risks. The report outlines that “adaptation is key to ensure that the EU as a whole is better prepared to handle the impacts of heat waves, floods, droughts and storm”. The report also proposes that “continued engagement with key stakeholders in sectors vulnerable to climate change is essential for improving assessment results…
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